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Terms & Conditions

1. Application form must be filled completely and the applicants must fill true and correct

details. Application form which is found to be incomplete or is filled with false information or with incorrect information shall not be considered and rejected by

Silverstream Entertainment Private Limited (“the Company”) at the Company’s will.

2. Fees and charges paid to the Company towards entry fee, registration fee, grooming

session fees or any other charges paid by the applicant to the Company shall strictly be


3. The fees paid for this event/shoots cannot be carried forward for any other event to be

organized, held or produced by the Company in future.

4. All the applicants must be of the age 17+ years on the date of submitting the applicant

form. If an applicant is found underage then such applicant shall be disqualified from

the event. (Not applicable for Teen events)

5. The applicants shall not commit any act or do anything which might reasonably be

considered: (i) to be immoral, deceptive, scandalous or obscene; or (ii) to injure,

tarnish, damage or otherwise negatively affect the reputation and goodwill associated

with the Company or the brands associated with the Company or the event. Applicants

with such behaviour or acts shall be permanently disqualified for the event/shoots and/or

future events/shoots to be organised by the Company at the Company’s discretion.

6. It is the applicant’s responsibility and duty to follow the directions, advise and

instructions of Company. The Company has a complete right to disqualify the applicant

who does not follow such directions, advice or instructions of the Company.

7. The applicant must be present in all the grooming sessions organized by the Company.

If any applicant is unable to attend any session, such applicant must inform the

Company or its authorized person well in advance about the reason and only after the

approval from the Company or its authorized person such applicant shall be granted a

leave of absence.

8. The Applicants must take utmost care of the costumes, cloths, accessories, footwear

and any other items provided to them by the Company or any third party associated

with the Company. If the costumes, cloths, accessories, footwear and any other items

provided to them by the Company are lost, damaged or stolen from or by the applicant,

such applicant shall pay towards the damages the sum which shall be twice the amount

of such item.

9. The applicants accept that receiving an Application Form and/or a phone call

and/or other correspondence from a member of the event production team and/or

attending an audition and/or attending any recording days does not guarantee

that you will be appearing on the Event and the Company reserve the right, at its

sole discretion, to disqualify any applicant at any time during the production

process, even if the applicant has been given a date to attend auditions and/or


10. The Applicants agree to appoint the Company as their Agent, as the applicants may be

noticed, selected, hired or appointed by any third party or companies for

advertisement, model shoots, clothing or any other agreement or contract as a result of

exposure provided and/or efforts taken by the Company.

11. The Winners, First Runner Ups and Second Runner Ups, who shall be amongst the

applicants, agree to succeed the rights, duties and obligations to the Winners, First

Runner Ups and Second Runner Ups of the next season of the Event.

12. It is the duty of all the Winners, First Runner Ups and Second Runner Ups to crown their

successors in the next season of the Event.

13. It is the duty of all the Winners, First Runner Ups and Second Runner Ups can apply to

any other pageants, events or shows organized by any third parties. However, the

Winners, First Runner Ups and Second Runner Ups shall inform the Company about

their interest before submitting their applicants for such pageants, events or shows.

14. The Winners, First Runner Ups and Second Runner Ups shall post stories and feeds on

their Instagram handle and other social medial sites and applicants mentioning and

tagging the Company as per the directions provided by the Company.

15. The Winners, First Runner Ups and Second Runner Ups shall update the bio section of

their Instagram profile with their achievements at the Event as per the directions of the


16. The applicants agree that the judgement passed by the judges at the Event shall be

absolute, final and binding. The applicants cannot challenge the judgement in scenario

or in any case will accept the judgement passed by the judges at the Event.

17. The Winners of the Event shall sign an agreement and/or contract with the Company.

During their reign, the Winners shall be required to make appearances on shows,

parties and other events organized by the Company or third parties and give interview

to various media, companies and other third parties.

18. The Company, its Directors, authorized persons, sponsors and brands associated with

the Company or the Event shall not be liable to damages, expenses, or losses in

connection with, any act or omission connected with or arising out of the acts of any

third party.

19. Cheating is strictly prohibited and shall result in immediate actions and disqualification.

Any applicant who is found guilty of cheating shall the be disqualified with immediate

effect from the present and future Events organized, held or produced by the Company.

20. The applicants shall not write and/or post anything on social media, internet or on any

other source that hampers the image, brand and goodwill of the Company. Such acts

shall lead to disqualification and termination and a legal action shall be taken against

the actions of such applicants.

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